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Can Sedation Help Make Me More Comfortable During Dental Implant Procedure?

Dentistry has evolved tremendously in the last decades and can help almost anyone get the beautiful smile they've always dreamed of. Even if you have missing teeth, dental implants can provide you wit

Dentistry has evolved tremendously in the last decades and can help almost anyone get the beautiful smile they've always dreamed of. Even if you have missing teeth, dental implants can provide you with a perfectly-looking and functioning set of teeth. 

But, what if what's stopping you from getting a new, healthy smile is your fear of the dentist? Is there a way to overcome your anxiety and get the dental treatment you need? 

Enter sedation dentistry

What Is Sedation Dentistry? 

Dental sedation uses a sedative that can help you stay calm and relaxed during treatment. Although you are sedated, in most cases, you are still conscious and able to respond to verbal commands from the doctor. 

Types of Sedation 

There are a variety of sedation options, such as:

  • Minimal Inhaled Sedation

You will be given nitrous oxide, (also called laughing gas), through a mask placed over your nose. This type of sedation can help reduce pain sensitivity and alleviate the anxiety and fear caused by the procedure.

Although you will be sedated, you will still be aware and able to communicate with the doctor. Also, the effects of this type of sedation pass very quickly and there are very few side effects that rarely occur in patients.

  • Oral Sedation

This form of sedation is administered in the form of a pill or liquid and it is recommended to ingest it at least one hour before the start of your dental surgery. Its effects usually last between 2 and 6 hours.

Patients usually retain very few memories of the procedure after the effects of the sedative have worn off.

  • Intravenous (or IV) Sedation

This sedation procedure involves injecting a sedative into the arm of the patient. You will feel very sleepy but also very calm and relaxed.

One of the benefits of this method of sedation is that it's much easier to control how much sedative the patient will get. You will remain conscious throughout the dental procedure, but the level of anxiety is drastically reduced. 

So, Will Sedation Help Me? 

If your fear of the dentist is stopping you from getting the treatment you need, then you might be a good candidate for sedation dentistry. However, it is important to talk about it with your dentist as they can recommend the best course of action based on your medical history. 

Dr. Charles Schof Can Offer Superior Dental Care

Don't let your anxiety stay in the way of a healthy and beautiful smile. Dental implants can not only improve your appearance and boost your self-esteem, but they can also improve your quality of life. Dr. Charles Schof offers a wide variety of dental treatments including dental implants and dental sedation. 

Contact our office today to book your appointment and start discussing your options with our dentists. 

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