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Smile Gallery in Mandeville | Covington | Metairie, LA

"I’m Helping Patients Feel Empowered To Make The Right Choices For The Betterment Of Their Oral Health."

-Dr. Schof

Smile gallery

every picture tells a story

At Mandeville Center for Dental Excellence, we know that every patients wants to know what to expect when it comes to the results of treatment. We use high-quality materials that are built to look natural and last long, and Dr. Schof is an expert restorative and cosmetic dentist. Take a look at our smile gallery to learn more about what you can expect:

Dental Bridge


Janet became increasingly unhappy with her smile. As a young adult, she received porcelain bridges to help correct missing teeth and improper tooth proportions. With new bridge work and better proportions, she is free to confidently smile for the first time in years.

Dental Implants


Diane never liked the appearance of her smile. She reached a point of complete hopelessness. Despite her best efforts, she experienced a repeated cycle of failing dental work. Her transformation was completed in one day! Dental implants have changed her life.

Dental Implants


Cheryl struggled with a denture for most of her life. We remade her upper denture and placed lower implants to restore her mouth to proper form and function. She can now enjoy a steak!

Porcelain Veneers


Julie became displeased with her smile. Several years prior, she invested in porcelain veneers to improve the color and shape of her teeth. She had settled for a smile that she knew could have looked better. After seeing how we assisted her friend, Julie decided to come in for a consultation. She now has the smile she always wanted.

Porcelain Veneers


Following orthodontic treatment, Kalli struggled to deal with uneven teeth. After contouring, whitening, and two porcelain veneers, we achieved her award-winning smile.

Real Patients, Real Results

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