Mandeville BLog

Healing After Dental Implants: What to Expect

A lot of people are experiencing some sort of anxiety when it comes to getting a dental implant. So, here's what to expect after getting a dental implant.

A lot of people are experiencing some sort of anxiety when it comes to getting a dental implant. After all, a metal post will be inserted into your jaw bone and replace a missing tooth, so it's normal to feel a bit worried about how this process will go and how you will feel afterward.

The good news is that dentistry has evolved tremendously and your dentist has all the tools and technologies available to tell with precise accuracy where exactly they need to insert the implant. As such, getting a dental implant in Mandeville is a very straightforward procedure that will be done before you expect it.

Once the metal post has been implanted, it's up to you to maintain proper oral health to promote healing.

So, here's what to expect after getting a dental implant.

The Healing Process After a Dental Implant

Your dentist will give you instructions on how to care for your implant and what you can expect in the first few days.

Some Pain Is Normal and to Be Expected

You may not feel much immediately after getting the implant as you will probably still be under the effect of the sedation. But, as the sedation starts to wear off, you may start to feel some minor pain and discomfort for at least three days after the procedure. This is normal and can usually be managed with OTC medicine.

Expect Some Bleeding

Bleeding is also normal for a few days after the procedure. So, don't get scared if you notice blood after brushing your teeth or if you feel a metallic taste in your mouth. The bleeding should stop after about three days from the surgery.

Swelling and Bruising Are Normal Too

The implant site will be swollen and possibly bruised for about 5 to 7 days after the surgery. Avoid eating hard foods and brush the implant site with a soft-bristled toothbrush to keep any food debris from getting trapped in there.

While it takes the metal post about six months to be fully integrated with your jaw bone, the recovery period after the initial surgery only takes about one or two weeks. During this time, try to take things slower to give your body time to heal. Get plenty of rest, eat healthy, nutritious food, and avoid any strenuous activities.

Are You Interested in Getting Dental Implants? See How We Can Help

If you have any missing teeth and are looking for a permanent and reliable solution to this problem, then a dental implant can be the best approach.

Dr. Charles Schof is an expert and will perform extensive investigations to ensure you will get the best treatment for your unique needs.

Book your appointment by filling out the online contact form on our website or by calling us directly at (985) 626-4401.

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