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The Truth About Root Canals (They’re Not So Bad, After All!)

Root canals are nothing to worry about. Dr. Charles Schof has performed hundreds of root canals over his long career in dentistry.

The Truth About Root Canals (They’re Not So Bad, After All!)

Root canals get a bad reputation in popular culture. You’re probably under the impression that a root canal is a painful, intimidating surgery which has a long recovery time.

But this is simply not true. Root canals, despite having a scary reputation, are not a painful procedure. Root canal therapy is the single most common type of endodontic therapy, and more than 15 million root canals are performed every single year. They are also the very best way to treat an infected tooth, and give you relief from tooth pain and toothaches.

At Mandeville Center for Dental Excellence, we provide painless root canal therapy, and in this article we’re telling you the truth about root canals.

Root Canals Are Only As Invasive As A Filling

Surprised? It’s true! The process of a root canal is actually quite similar to the process of having a filling placed. Here’s how it works.

First, Dr. Charles Schof will clean your tooth, and the area around it. Then, a local anesthetic is administered, and a dental dam is placed around your tooth to prevent bacteria from spreading.

The decayed tooth enamel is removed with a dental drill, and a tiny opening is made in the enamel of the tooth. Using small, specialized instruments, Dr. Schof will remove decayed tooth pulp and dentin. Then, the interior of the tooth is cleaned thoroughly to remove any traces of infection.

After this, a rubber-like substance called gutta percha is used to fill the tooth, replacing the original pulp. Then, the tooth is sealed with a filling and possibly a dental crown. With a same day crown, the entire process usually takes about 90 minutes or less.

Root Canals Are Preferable To Tooth Pain – Or Losing Your Tooth Completely!

Here’s the truth about a root canal. It is not a walk in the park, and you may experience some soreness, pain, and bleeding during the recovery process. But here’s the thing. A root canal hurts less than simply living with tooth pain.

A toothache caused by an infected tooth can be completely debilitating and significantly affect your day-to-day life. And if you think you can simply “deal with the pain” of an infected tooth, think again.

If your tooth has been infected, and you don’t get a root canal, you’ll lose it. It’s just that simple. As the infection continues to spread and eat away at the root of your tooth, it will eventually loosen and fall out.

Losing a tooth can cause a number of dental complications, and replacing a missing tooth is much more expensive than getting a root canal.

Don’t Believe The Myths About Root Canals – See Dr. Schof Today For A Root Canal in Mandeville!

Root canals are nothing to worry about. Dr. Charles Schof has performed hundreds of root canals over his long career in dentistry.

Using minimally-invasive techniques and sedation dentistry, if required, Dr. Schof provides patients with the endodontic treatment they need to keep their tooth, and minimize tooth pain. To learn more, take a look at our patient reviews and smile gallery.

Contact us for an appointment at (985) 626-4401, or drop by our office at 240 Dalwill Drive Mandeville, La. 70471. We’re always happy to see new patients!

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